Once again Doug Harris has captivated the masses, this time in Prague where he spoke at Promax/BDA, Europe's highly popular annual event. Doug continues to be the leader in inspirational and creative thought processes - something we all badly need in TV--and his two sessions were the top rated presentations of our conference!
Vanessa Sheldrick, Promax Europe 2009 |
"Doug Harris was superb - out of the box presentation! Delegates who attended his sessions - "The Promax Revolution" and "The Road Ahead" at the recent Promax/BDA India 20008 Conference at Mumbai, India had a blast! It was motivational and refreshing! The overall rating for both sessions were Excellent! Thanks!
Joanne Lim, Conference Director, Promax / BDA Asia Pacific |
"WE ABSOLUTELY LOVED HIM AND HE WAS OUR HIGHEST SCORING SPEAKER! Doug Harris spoke to a crowded auditorium of discerning yet attentive Promaxers at the annual Promax IBDA conference in Sydney. Doug’s wit and wisdom was enjoyed by all and his chicken fried steak song was heard for at least another week in the hallways of TV stations across Australia and New Zealand. Cheers Doug!"
Vanessa Sheldrick, Conference Director, PromaxlBDA ANZ 2006 |
"When was the last time you took part in a presentation that was both fun AND educational? For me it was Saturday May 06, 2006 in Calgary, Alberta. That was the day Doug Harris addressed our group of Standard Radio Writers and Producers and blew everyone away with his insight, energy and enthusiasm. No smoke and mirrors, Doug is the real deal, this is stuff I can USE!!!"
John Masecar, Standard Radio, Canada |
"You were fabulous! We learned so much from our session about how to come up with new ideas to help our clients succeed. You really held everyone's attention. Thanks again for making our workshop a success."
Art Rowbotham, President, Hall Communications, Florida |
"Doug had the place buzzing for weeks afterwards. If your company needs its employees to be creative in any way at all, you simply must find a way to put Doug Harris in front of them."
Charley Holland, Creative Services Manager, FOXTEL AUSTRALIA |
"Doug is one of the best speakers we have ever worked with. According to Indiana Broadcasters that attended his session... bring Doug Harris back. The sessions for promotions were outstanding."
Gwen Piening, Indiana Broadcasters Association |
"If they awarded a master's degree in the field of radio promotions, Doug Harris would be the person handing out the diplomas. He communicates more on creating and executing promotions in an hour than most people learn in a decade at a radio station. Kids, don't try this at home -- without Doug Harris!"
Brad Burkhart, Brad Burkhart Christian Media, Atlanta |
"Doug Harris has become a "regular" at the Country Radio Broadcasters' annual Country Radio Seminar in Nashville and at our regional seminars across America. "The Creative Animal" always has presented fresh information that our attendees have found valuable in growing their businesses and done so in an entertaining manner."
Ed Salamon, Executive Director, Country Radio Broadcasters, Inc. |
"We would like to thank you for your professional approach and fine collaboration which contributed to the success of VAR's creative seminar. And we are convinced that all our 'brothers and sisters' have been divinely inspired by your presentation last week. For that matter, we already received very positive reactions from our customers."
Anny Wuyts and Thierry Van Zeebroeck, VAR, Brussels |
"Thank you for bringing so much inspiration to our department. Everyone found your seminars fun, imaginative and applicable to the way we do our business. And as you could see we have a very creative group to begin with so it speaks volumes when I say that you motivated and inspired them."
Michelle Allario, The Cartoon Network |
"Our attendees were fascinated and told me, that they got a whole bunch of new ideas for structuring their daily life and to do a better job. They also loved the way you performed the workshop, the good atmosphere. Thank you so much for coming and staying with us here in Stuttgart."
Dr. Angela Frank, Nichtkommerzieller Rundfunk, Germany |
"Doug Harris's talk on promotions contained loads of great ideas. On a scale from 1-5, I give him a 5 PLUS...can I give him a 7? I have to reiterate the value of Doug Harris's talk to me. The best thing I've heard about radio in a long time. THANKS for bringing him in. He alone was worth the trip."
Mario Carlucci, CFRB Radio, Toronto |
"Doug took our annual convention to a new level. This guy knows his stuff, and the way he delivered the material made the session fun and entertaining for the group. They didn't want it to end!"
Jamie Hartnett, Hawaii Association of Broadcasters |
"Doug Harris walks into a room and the creativity starts flowing. His powerful presentations at our annual Geller Media International Producer's Workshop get everyone inspired. The feedback from attendees is 100% positive. Doug stimulates broadcasters to create opportunities, and he applies to radio what Madison Avenue has known for years - BRAND your product so that people remember it. Doug offers lots of practical examples, but more importantly, he stimulates and encourages the imagination."
Valerie Geller, Geller Media International, New York |
"Doug once again demonstrated his enthusiasm, experience and energy. This will make our 40 promotions executives aspire to bigger and better things in the future. The overall response from The Capital Radio Groups promotion executives was, 'This was a great opportunity to hear one the best speakers in the radio promotions business!'"
Bob Hoad, Capital Radio Group, UK |
"Doug Harris is a very talked about name in Danish radio business. I invited Doug to give 100 Danish radio people a creative injection and he did. It was fun, inspiring, enthusiastic and deadly serious. Please come back again'.
Kent Kordt, Viborg Guld, Denmark |
"I have to tell you that Tuesday's meeting was one of the most productive and entertaining times I've had for quite a while. I'm very impressed with your ability to roll out the ideas that fit so well into the strategic concept. I hope we have the opportunity to do it again soon. Thanks for all your help."
Alan Mason, Audience Development Group |
"We recently had Doug speak at our NRB convention and he was outstanding. His sessions received the highest scores of any session we offered that week. Doug just doesn't speak at a convention, he cares about the people who come and he wants to share information to help them get better. When you hear him speak and work with him in coordinating the seminar, his caring really shows. It is no wonder that the comment cards read "this session was awesome," Doug is enthusiastic" and "bring him back!"
Tim McDermott, KSBJ President/General Manager |
"Working with Doug was a pleasure. He is passionate, professional, and genuinely interested in sharing his success. His background and knowledge are strongly supported by his ability to communicate with an audience in an enjoyable and inspirational fashion. We were pleased to have him speak at our annual convention, and there is no doubt in my mind that we will have him back again in the future."
Jennifer Ramsell, Vice President, NH Assoc. of Broadcasters |
"Doug Harris had a high impact on this team. Not only did he talk about the creative tools you need to use to boost creativity, he also did it in a creative manner your team won't forget. He makes people want to be creative and able to generate ideas. Even the most negative person will try to be creative after participating in one of Doug's sessions."
Antonio Mendes, RFM Radio, Portugal |
"Doug Harris' contribution to PROMAX UK was immeasurable. He produced the most talked-about session of the conference, which he then followed up with a dynamic workshop that left the attendees buzzing to get back to work, and start truly unleashing their creative souls."
John Golley, The BBC, London |
"You should go out of your way to see (or let your event manager see) one of Doug's sessions. For more than 6 years I have been able to go directly back to Radio ABC, implement some of his ideas/tips and make money. In that way you can say that a session with Doug Harris gives a very good ROI. Radio ABC is considered one of the leading event making stations in Denmark. Quite simply put: Thank you for your help, Doug Harris!"
Ole Sondergaard, Managing Director, Radio ABC/Denmark |
"Doug helped with creative and promotion ideas to launch 90.9 Jazzy in Budapest in February, 2007 and gave us a great start: A fter less than three months on the air we overtook 3 of 4 major competitors. The creative ideas helped the station get immediate attention from the public as people turned their radio to Jazzy at the very beginning. Thanks Doug for your ideas and support!"
Tamas Nagy, Sales and Marketing Director /Owner, 90.9 Jazzy, Budapest, Hungary. |