The ability to conceive, develop, produce, and make money from station events is crucial for today's Promotion Director. But what kinds of events are right for your station and your audience? In this
fast-paced session, Doug showcases some of the most successful - and profitable — station events from all kinds of markets, sharing his tips for making money and managing production expenses. As he shares specific event examples
you'll learn how to maximize your special station events' impact and revenue.
The questions you must ask your Program Director and Sales Manager before planning an event
How to make money during your event’s first year
A foolproof document for "trouble-shooting" your event
Using Other People's Money and Other People's Media to reduce your marketing costs
How "separate arenas of involvement" can eliminate laundry lists of sponsors in promos
Differentiating a Title Sponsor and a Presenting Sponsor-while still getting big bucks for both
The one revenue-generating sales arena that most event planners forget to sell!
"Best session ever! Gave me some great ideas for pending events!"
"Great information! Good opportunities for additional NTR we are not taking advantage of now."
"Eye-opening to the opportunities available to events without cluttering the station!"
"Excellent! Excellent! I loved it!"
"Great information!"
"Great advice for organizing and managing big events!"